South Burnett Region Timber Industry Museum

Opened in November 2001, the Museum showcases the history of the South Burnett’s timber industry, which underpinned the early settlement of the region and has continued to play an important part in its development.
The traditional timber structure is flanked by life-size sculptures of a bullocky and his head bullocks, an old water-well and post-and-rail fence. On the eastern end of the building is the stainless steel silhouette of a timber cutter. Inside, the wagon camp diorama, complete with a restored bullock wagon, effectively captures the spirit of those involved in the felling and logging of timber in the early 1900s. Set against authentic wooden slabs and shingles, are displays of South Burnett timbers, artifacts and photos pertaining to the early timber industry in the region.
A well-stocked Gift Shop, featuring locally produced woodcraft, forms part of the incorporated Visitor Information Centre. In the Woodcrafters’ Workshop, constructed beside the Museum in 2003, local woodworkers regularly demonstrate their skills. A display of over 100 wooden mushrooms highlights the variety of timbers available.
80 Haly Street, Wondai
4606, QLD